Fareedah School is one of Nigeria's Loveliest place for children and adults. It is a place where children are accepted, loved and catered for. It is our focus not only to facilitate the learning of children's, parents and one another but also to achieve the laudable goals for which Fareedah School is established.
Childhood is a time like no others. It is a time for exploring, for creating, for meeting the world and for learning. It has been established that most of life's learning occurs in the first five years. So that a head start could be guaranteed for your child in this crucial years, we have prepared for him a caring, warm and motivating environment. We have gathered a team of qualified personnel who understand children needs and have sourced for appropriate educational materials. No doubt, your child in our unique environment will blossom.
Fareedah Children's School was established by Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed-Zaruq on Friday 29th November 2002. The school is situated at 344, Muritala Muhammad way, Yaba, Lagos. With nine children, we started operation on Monday 6th January 2003. The School got the Lagos State Government approval on Monday 7th March, 2005. In April 2009 another branch of the school was opened at Awoyaya Area of Ibeju Lekki, L.G.A in Lagos State.
Fareedah School's Vision is to produce people possessing faith, knowledge and essential skills required to be successful leaders in their chosen fields. This is our organizational objective.
We have assembled a team of people and a suitable environment required for the realization of our goals. Today Fareedah School has above 200pupils and have become a recognized name especially among practitioners and parents in the early years and elementary education sector.
As a parent you are our partner, you will receive from us regularly, communications on your child's overall development. Our parent's conference will hold once every term and the school newsletter offering classroom news, parenting tips and the school calendar will be released every term.
Together we shall partner to see to your child's social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. We shall also partner to promote his health and wellbeing and protect him against any form of abuse and neglect.
Parent partnership is key in our schools operation.

To educate and evolve a community of people possessing faith, knowledge, character and essential skills required to be leaders in their chosen fields.

To be one of the best faith based international schools in Nigeria.